12 December 2018

Elephant Shed PostgreSQL®-Appliance now available for Red Hat and CentOS

This week version 1.3 of our PostgreSQL® appliance Elephant Shed was released.

The highlight of the new version is support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and CentOS 7. As is already the case for Debian, the appliance heavily relies on the postgresql-common infrastructure which was previously ported to RPM.
The well-known PostgreSQL® RPM packages from yum.postgresql.org are integrated into the system via pg_createcluster and can be administrated from the Elephant Shed web interface.

All other Elephant Shed components like pgAdmin4, Grafana, Prometheus, pgbackrest, Cockpit or shellinabox work in the same way as in the Debian version of the appliance. Only the SELinux functionality has to be deactivated in order to run pgAdmin4 and shellinabox as their packages do not support this.

Besides the port to RPM the appliance infrastructure was updated. The Prometheus node-exporter is now available in version 0.16 in which many metric names were adjusted to the Prometheus naming scheme. The Grafana dashboard was updated accordingly. The Apache configuration was switched from authnz_pam to authnz_external as the former is not available on CentOS and stable functionality could not longer be guaranteed on Debian Buster.

The next items on the Elephant-Shed roadmap are the integration of the REST-API in order to control particular components, as well as multi-host support so that several Elephant-Shed instances can be controlled simultaneously.
An overhaul of the user interface is planned as well.

The updated packages are available for download at packages.credativ.com. If Elephant-Shed was installed already, the updates are provided via apt as usual.

The open-source PostgreSQL® appliance Elephant-Shed is developed by credativ and is increasingly popular, as the most important compontents for the administration of PostgreSQL® servers are already included. Adjustments and extensions can be done at any time.

Comprehensible technical support for Elephant-Shed is offered by credativ including guaranteed service-level agreements and optional 365 days and 24/7 hours.

Categories: News PostgreSQL®
Tags: Elephant Shed PostgreSQL®


About the author

Christoph Berg

Senior Berater

zur Person

Christoph Berg ist als Senior Berater im credativ Datenbank-Team tätig. Als Debian-Developer und PostgreSQL-Contributor kümmert er sich außerdem um die PostgreSQL-Paketierung und andere Belange im Debian Quality-Assurance-Team. In der Freizeit ist er Funkamateur auf Kurzwelle und Satelliten.

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