Backup Archives - credativ®

Bacula is an Enterprise solution for data backup in heterogeneous networks. It backs up data from UNIX/Linux and Windows systems.

Bacula can be configured using various interfaces: a graphic interface, a web frontend, and a shell interface are offered. In the background, it stores its catalog in a relational database, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL®, or SQLite.

Bareos is a free, network-based data backup solution.
It supports all popular operating systems, such as Linux/Unix, Windows, and macOS. Besides hard drives, Bareos can also provide backups on tape drives.

Bareos is a fork of Bacula that, in contrast to Bacula, provides all further developments under a free license.
Innovations include, for instance, completely passive clients that facilitate use in complex networks.

You can find more information on the project page.

Amanda, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver, is a free backup system for backing up data that is distributed on computers in the network. Amanda provides support as a target medium for backing up hard drives, tape drives, and optical media.