About the author
zur Person
Michael Banck ist seit 2009 Mitarbeiter der credativ GmbH, sowie seit 2001 Mitglied des Debian Projekts und auch in weiteren Open Source Projekten aktiv. Als Mitglied des Datenbank-Teams von credativ hat er in den letzten Jahren verschiedene Kunden bei der Lösung von Problemen mit und dem täglichen Betrieb von PostgreSQL®, sowie bei der Einführung von Hochverfügbarkeits-Lösungen im Bereich Datenbanken unterstützt und beraten.
17 December 2024
Version 17 of PostgreSQL has been released for a while. One of the many features is a change by Tom Lane called “Rearrange pg_dump’s handling of large objects for better efficiency”. In the past, we have seen our customers have several problems with a large number of large objects being a performance issue for dump/restore. […]
03 September 2024
Introduction Running ANALYZE (either explicitly or via auto-analyze) is very important in order to have uptodate data statistics for the Postgres query planner. In particular after in-place upgrades via pg_upgrade, ANALYZE needs to be run in order to have any query statistics at all. As ANALYZE samples only parts of the blocks in a table […]
02 July 2024
Hashicorp Terraform is a well-known infrastructure automation tool mostly targeting cloud deployments. Instaclustr (a part of NetApp’s CloudOps division and credativ’s parent company) provides a managed service for various data stores, including PostgreSQL. Provisioning managed clusters is possible via the Instaclustr console, a REST API or through the Instaclustr Terraform Provider. In this first part […]
22 February 2024
The PostgreSQL 2024Q1 back-branch releases 16.2, 15.6, 14.11, 13.14 and 12.18 on February 8th 2024. Besides fixing a security issue (CVE-2024-0985) and the usual bugs, they are somewhat unique in that they address two performance problems by backporting fixes already introduced into the master branch before. In this blog post, we describe two quick benchmarks […]
05 May 2022
Moodle is a popular Open Source online learning platform. Especially since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic the importance of Moodle for schools and universities has further increased. In some states in Germany all schools had to switch to Moodle and other platforms like BigBlueButton in the course of a few days. This leads to […]